Scoring an interview with Barbie (yes, THE Barbie) is no small feat. And yet, thanks to Barbie's love of Hill House's very own Nap Dress, here we are!
"Generally I have trouble closing my eyes, but I know the importance of a good night’s sleep," Barbie writes us over email. Unfortunately, she was not reachable by phone for this interview.
Here, she shares what's next to her bed...and who.
What side of the bed do you sleep on?
Whatever side Miss Honey is not already snoozing on.
What can you not sleep without?
Cute pajamas and a matching eye mask. And lately, my Nap Dress!
What is currently next to your bed?
I love mid-century modern design and you will see that in my bedroom décor. Next to my bed I have a pair of chic mid-century modern night nightstands, each with a white lamp on top. It’s all brought together by my wallpaper with flecks of gold and a bold, sunburst mirror above my bed.
What do you keep on your side table and/or floor next to your bed?
I read The Home Edit Life, and it’s completely transformed my nightstand (au revoir, clutter!). Now, I usually have a calming tea, whichever book I’m currently reading, and fresh flowers.
What is the strangest thing that's next to your bed?
I like to do cross-words in bed, so I often leave them on my nightstand. And I’m always working on new projects in beauty and fashion, so you can typically find remnants of those as well! I never really put my work to rest.
What would you not be able to sleep without being next to your bed?
It’s more IN my bed, and that’s my ultimate companion, Miss Honey.
Do you keep any electronics next to your bed?
I wish I could say no, but I’m on Instagram all day! It’s hard to put my phone down. Though to help calm me down, I’m a loyal user of the app Headspace, and meditating before bed definitely helps me get some shut eye.
What is your nighttime routine in 5 steps or less?
Post-bath and pre-bed, I have a full skincare regimen, which keeps my skin so smooth it’s almost unreal! I love using Glamglow’s products, and their Supercleanse Clearing Cream-to-Foam Cleanser and Supermud Charcoal Instant Treatment Mask are my absolute must-haves. I also use their Waterburst Hydrated Glow Moisturizer as a last step.