Sydney Oh always strived to express herself through creativity and art. After five successful years in the fashion PR space in New York City, Oh felt a need to flex her creative muscles, and rediscovered her love for pottery and art, taking classes and studying during all that "free" time she did not have. In 2014, she launched Milk and Clay, a ceramics line that "imbues instant comfort and a personal connection." From catch-all vessels to full fledged vases, her pieces are organic, shapely, and pieces of art in their own right. Here, she shares what's Next to Her Bed.
What side of the bed do you sleep on?
I sleep on the right side of the bed.
What can you not sleep without?
A silk pillowcase. I converted to one a couple years ago after hearing about the benefits for skin and hair care. I can really feel the difference so it’s hard to go back!
What is currently next to your bed?
Vintage Caprani lamp, a stone vessel with grass, and a magazine stand. I’ve been working to have less clutter so in lieu of a nightstand, I use the ledge of my platform bed. I keep a Milk and Clay catchall to hold my jewelry and oils. I also love my Bodha eye pillow as it’s weighted with lavender and helps me decompress if I have trouble falling asleep.
What is the strangest thing that's next to your bed?
I keep ginger detox foot pads in the ceramic vessel. It’s said to pull toxins out while promoting circulation and better quality sleep. The results the next day can be alarming, but it feels like it actually works!
What would you not be able to sleep without being next to your bed?
A glass of water. I often get thirsty and NY apartments in the winter are notoriously dry.
Do you keep any electronics next to your bed?
I do. While I wish I can say I put my phone away, let’s be real - I need easy access.
What is your nighttime routine in 5 steps or less.
This often changes depending on my time, but I typically end the day with a bath with magnesium flakes and an intense K-beauty skincare routine. Lately I’ve been into facial cupping and massages. Followed by either art research or watching a show and inner peace work that’s coupled with journaling, tarot or listening to podcasts.